Enabling / Disabling Map Tips

A "Map Tip" gives the user quick information about a parcel including the owner's name, parcel number and address. The parcel number is an active hyperlink and can be clicked to display the parcels full information.

The following image shows an example of a "Map Tip."

To enable or disable "Map Tips," please follow these instructions.

  1. In the upper right-hand corner of the screen, click the button that says your name.

  2. In the drop-down menu, you will see a "Map Tips" option.

  3. If the button is

blue, then "Map Tips" are enabled.If the button is not blue, then the "Map Tips" are notenabled.

Optionally, you may toggle the "Show Map Tip Dot" button if you desire the "Map Tip" to only be displayed when hovering over the pink dot in the center of the parcel.